A List Of Unique Topic Ideas For Proposal Essays

When your professor gives you an assignment to write a proposal essay, you need to choose a topic that can fill an entire essay. This style of essay is similar to problem and solution essay, where you approach a problem and create a proposal to solve it. In order to create the solution, you need to fully understand the problem and why it needs to be solved. The key to creating a good topic is to keep it current, so that your essay is appropriate for the audience. Here are some topics that will make the project interesting for you and your readers:

  • How to end body shaming
  • How to prevent bullying
  • Ways to help the homeless
  • Causes of global warming
  • Ending cyberbullying
  • Whether or not grades should still be given in school
  • Do standardized tests really matter
  • Ending childhood obesity
  • Maintaining arts in the public schools
  • Should children specialize in one sport
  • Do we need more male role models in movies
  • The relevancy of biofuel
  • Managing cell phones in classrooms
  • Are same sex classes better for learning
  • Are professional athletes worth their pay

Be Prepared for Research

When you choose a topic for your proposal, you should understand that you will need to conduct some research. Depending on the class that you are writing the essay for, your instructor will most likely ask you to use a style to show your citations, quotations, and paraphrases. Since you are trying to convince someone to select your proposal, you need to include facts that will prove that your proposal is the best one. If you need help, ask the service where I used to write my college paper.

Include Emotion with All of Your Facts

Along with the facts that you use, you will need to include some emotional qualities, too. Many people need to see the emotions that are tied to the facts in order to see the human value of the proposal, too. When you are looking for topics, there are some keywords that will help tug at the heart strings of the people include family, children, school, education, health, athletics, money, childcare, and home. If you can fit any of these terms into your proposal topic, you will be able to people to pay attention to what you have to say. With a perfect topic and a balance of fact and emotion, you will have your audience accepting your proposal!