Where To Look For A Strong Example Of A Five Paragraph Essay

If you are writing a five paragraph essay, there are many places where you can look for a strong example.

  1. First, you want to try your textbooks. Chances are you will have a textbook for your course, one which has important tips and tricks for writing. This is one of the best places to look for sample essays because it will include all of the pertinent information for your particular course. It will include things that your teacher requires of you, which will be of the biggest benefit to you when all is said and done.
  2. You can also turn to your teacher and ask for information if you have not been provided with a sample already. Many teachers will review a sample with their students, something which they can provide you with when you head home. There is no shame in asking your teacher to help you out by giving you a sample which you can follow.
  3. If your teacher is of no real assistance, or you simply want an additional copy, there are other places you can go. Look to your school or public library for sources of information on writing including writing examples. Some of the strongest examples out there are hidden in the depths of the libraries that are right before your eyes. And if you are willing to venture there to ask your librarian for assistance, you will be able to find the information that you want immediately. You can find writing samples in writing guides, books on writing essays, or even just in print form in the library. If you find a book on the topic, you should make sure that you photocopy the pages that you need so that you can take home the sample and write all over it as necessary.
  4. You can also turn to the internet. If you are unable to find additional samples in your textbooks or writing guides, you can look over top notch writing samples on reputable educational websites. You should look specifically for websites that offer information about writing and end in “.edu”. These are the most popular sites to use for students in need of samples because they are already vetted as an appropriate educational resource. If at all possible, search for samples from school affiliated websites or those run by an educational branch of government.